March 3, 2011

blog friend - Kat

Over the next few weeks I've decided to feature some friend's blogs. These ladies are not just blog world friends, they are FRIEND friends (as in I know them outside the internet world). They are all a source of inspiration to me, both in their blogging, and just as generally amazing women.

My first blog feature is my good friend Kat, of Kat du Jour. She and I go back a few years when we met on staff at a summer camp. She was also at the time roomates with one of my really good friends (which was a strange connection). Kat is a short (sorry!), blonde haired, insane woman (in the best way possible). She has an amazing sense of humor and an even more amazing heart. Kat is an artist and a teacher at an Aboriginal school in Ottawa, where she moved last year. I miss her alot now that she doesn't live in Toronto, and it's unfortunately been awhile since we have seen each other. But I love reading her blog and getting some insight into her new life in her new city!

Kat writes on her blog about her life, experiances, thoughts, whatever comes to her mind. It's great to read, and I really recommend checking it out. Plus, she's a pretty great chick to get to know.

Check out her blog here and take some time to read through her musings on life.

Miss you Kat!

Kat loves her cat, Peter Banjo


  1. awww too nice Laura! I miss you too. I am flattered for this shout out. I didn't even know you read my blog :)
