October 30, 2012

insta moments

In honour of this rainy week, which is making it impossible to do outfit photos, I give you another insta moments post! Here's a bit of what's been going on in my life behind-the-scenes! You can get real-time updates too by following me on instagram under DeliciouslyYours.

1. My Grandma's surprise 90th birthday party. 2. Apple picking adventures with friends. 3. A favourite record. 4. A favourite chapter from Mindy Kaling's book. 5. A gluten-free cupcake in honour of my work's 25th anniversary. 6. Uncle Rob and little Penny. 7. A birthday danish. 8. My new record player. 9. Hanging out with my niece Penny.

Stay safe, and cozy, and dry during this wild week of weather! 
<3 Lo

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