May 15, 2012

prince edward county part 1

Hi all! I had some great little vacation time, and I'm back to my regular schedule now. I must say, it was really nice to have some time off work and to spend some really good quality time with Rob, something that has been lacking as of late.

As you may know, Rob and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary at the end of April, and went away this past weekend for a little belated celebration. We headed about two and a half hours outside the city to a rural region called Prince Edward County. It is well-known for it's local, organic foods and for the many wineries there. Since Rob and I are not big wine people, we opted for the eating side of things. It was so nice for us to get out of the city for a bit and just relax. As I mentioned, I was a bit sick so we ended up coming back a bit early, but we still had two days of relaxing in the city together.

Despite feeling under the weather a bit, I had a great time, and we have already decided to go back again soon! It was so peaceful there and amazingly quite in comparison to here in the city. If you live in Ontario, I highly recommend visiting this charming area of the province!

Our first stop was for lunch in the little lakeside town of Wellington at a lovely little place called Tall Poppy Cafe.

 This was one place that we absolutely HAD to visit, as the name was pretty silly, plus we both love going antiquing.

(I love this photo because I didn't even notice that Rob was glaring into the corner of the mirror.)

I still think Rob should have bought these glasses... :)

There are plenty more photos to come, including an outfit post for tomorrow. Hope you are having a good week so far!


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